The Unity of Wealth and Weight | By Marc Josef

Last Updated: April 23, 2022By

Is our wealth the same as our weight? Most would agree that a healthy bank account and a healthy body affords one the ability to experience life on a greater level than their opposites. Right? Unity comes from understanding that the way to wealth is the same as the way to health. However, wealth and weight appear to be two items with a large audience for which management is an issue.

Examine these straightforward equations:

Wealth accumulation = consume less + save more

Weight loss  = consume less + move more

Pretty simple, right? Then why do we struggle so much? Ah, the million dollar question. According to my gospel, it’s because we keep our desires, minds (thoughts) and activities divided. Only when this trinity is unified do we see outward manifestation. How do we join this trinity? Through, intention, attention and action.

Start with the easiest, intentionmore money, healthy body. Now attention: what is required. Finally, action: performing what is required. The intention is declaring to your mind what you want, while attention is preparing your mind and action is carrying out the necessary activities.

The work begins within the mind. Our thoughts are the force of creation. We must continuously direct our thoughts towards right action. Due to our ability to perceive duality, thoughts can arise from fear or love. We can also call these low and high thoughts. Depressed thinking tends to create low action and weak results, while high views promote top activities manifesting desired results. What this boils down to is modifying our habits and behaviors. Our minds are powerful and stubborn and don’t like change. Nevertheless, controlling our minds (thoughts) is possible.

The critical decision you have to make is to be 100 percent committed, there is no leeway. Without this pronouncement, you are guaranteeing failure. Why? Because without a tireless commitment, the old habits of fear and laziness are silently waiting to take back control. The is no easy way; you must put your intention above all else.

Next, tell yourself (your mind) that your intention (desire) is a journey, not a destination. Tell yourself you are embarking on a wealth and health journey. By framing your aspirations as a journey, it prepares the mind for long term focus, with new habits and behaviors naturally taking root. You also relieve yourself of the pressure of failing when there is a hiccup along the way.

Scenario 1

The average American spends approximately $1,100 a year — or $3 each day — on coffee.

Take that $1,100 and invested it in something that averages 10 percent. Guess what? In 10 years, you’d have $2,853. That’s $1,753 in interest for just one year saved.  If you added $1,000 each year for ten years at 10 percent, you would have $18,791. That’s earnings of $7,691 in interest for giving up $3 a day on coffee.

Scenario 2

One day a week, you skip ordering the $2.95 Caffe Latte Tall (12oz) which is 150 calories.

The average woman needs to eat about 1,500 calories to lose a pound of weight per week, the average man about 2,000 to lose one pound of weight per week. You are doing the math, and you’re already well on the way to losing a pound just by skipping one coffee a week.

Maintaining wealth and health require constant vigilance. Our society, regrettably, has evolved into a mass market of consumerism, a potent force. Our daily media consumption creates an environment of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt). Many believe their worth stems from the ability to purchase items that they don’t need.

Unfortunately, most of our thoughts arise from FOMO and FUD, and it’s a constant battle upstairs. I want a million dollars, but I need that Starbucks coffee every day. I want a healthy body, but I had a hard day at work, so hello Haagen Daz.

Fret not, combating the negative aspects of our daily existencecan be tamed through participation in activities which focus our attention on the higher values we so desire. Establish a yoga practice. Take 10 minutes of your day and meditate. Wake up with an affirmation before getting out of bed. Try reading inspirational works. Clear the mind with walks in nature. Anything that promotes the expansion of our thoughts toward decisions made in love will support the manifestation of our desires.

Anything that promotes the expansion of our thoughts toward decisions made in love will support the manifestation of our desires.

Finally, probably the most essential aspect of manifesting desires is that movement and action are required. Even as potent as our minds are, just thinking won’t get the job done. We haven’t evolved enough yet to apply the techniques of Bewitched, or I Dream of Jeannie. So, until that time, the appearance of our desires require continuous right actions on our part.

So now you understand, even in the face of opposition or after a slip, manifesting a healthy bank account and body requires the unity of an honest commitment, watchful attentiveness and right action.

Marc Josef is a freelance writer based out of Boulder, Colorado. A yoga instructor, meditation coach, cannabis counselor and soon to be podcaster. You can find him wondering the flatirons or email him:



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